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Setup an XCode Project

Required software

  • iOS/iPadOS 11+
  • Xcode version 15.0 or later


To download the framework visit SecuritySide's Azure Feeds, select the pretended version and follow the presented instructions.


To use Azure DevOps Extension for Azure CLI on Apple silicon based Mac computers make sure to have Rosetta 2 installed.

Include TrustFactor into your project

After downloading the framework, open your project in Xcode, select the correct target, go to "General" tab and trustfactor-ios-sdk.xcframework to "Frameworks and Libraries"

Configure Your Project

Your project will need to include the App Groups capability for the SDK to work.

  1. Select the + Capability button in the Signing & Capabilities tab when configuring your app target.
  2. Find and select the App Groups capability.
  3. Ensure that the App Groups capability is listed for the target.